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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rossi's E-CAT

Hydrogen is pumped into chamber which contains a catalyst mixed with nickel nanoparticles. It has been suggested that among other things the catalyst might convert the diatomic hydrogen to monatomic. Due to a multi-body effect, electrons tend to migrate from the D orbitals in the nickel to the monatomic hydrogen removing the magnetic field and restoring time reversal symmetry, 62Ni(2+)   and 64Ni(2+). Electrostatic attraction pulls the monatomic hydrogen ions into the tubercles in the surface of the nickel nanoparticles enriched with isotopes 62 and 64. When enough accumulate and a resistive heating element increases the temperature and pressure, a phase change occurs that is signaled by a burst of gamma rays between 50 and 200 KEVS which can last up to 20 minutes. The reaction starts at 60-70 degrees Centigrade. The movement of the ions induces a virtual particle current in the proton conductor. What kind of virtual particles, Ettore? An antibonding surface sp band develops below the Fermi level in the nickel.  This facilitates the emission of electrons from lower orbitals in the nickel. Thus, effective hydrogen fusion begins. This is by either h+h yielding he-3 or heavy nickel ion plus proton yielding copper plus alpha.  Furthermore, he-3 plus he-3 can yield he-4 along with double proton emission.  Likewise iron could yield double proton emission.  A string of transmutations are triggered involving  Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, F, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Mn, and Cr isotopes. Electrons, protons and near infrared radiation are released along with another burst of gammas when the reaction stops and the reverse phase change occurs.

These are my interpretations. You might try the following book for a physicist's interpretation:

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