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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Erik Erikson's Epigenetic Principle

This series of videos is part of an on-line course: Theories of Personality. Erikson's theory and the Social Cognitivists' theories are presented.

Ever wonder what is was like before people shared their lives in their blogs and social networks liked LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. They must have experienced an inconceivable loneliness, isolation and paranoia.

For Life

Affective Responses


  1. Hello,

    I am writing an APA paper for my Lifspan Develpoment Psychology class on how exercise can improve relationships when applied to Ericson's epigenetic principal.

    I came across your blog at the following web address:

    I would like to refer to your blog in my paper but, am not sure how to cite this post fro the reference page in APA format. I was wondering if you could tell me how?

    Thank you for your insight regarding stage six. :)

  2. My APA formatting program generates the reference as follows:

    Camery, J.W.(2010, September 8). Erik Erikson's Epigenetic Principle. Retrieved October 21, 2010, From Improve Your Nutrition:

    You cite it as just (Camery, 2010) unless you add additional references by me.

  3. I have observed that people nowadays from all around the world, rich and poor, seem to have a common culture based on skateboards, surfing, snowboarding, soccer and other sports along with music, computers and cell phones. In spite of different languages and customs they can quickly establish relationships based on this common culture when they meet as long as they do not hate. Life is an adventure, not a struggle. Struggle is derived from an Old Norse word, strugr, meaning “ill will”. One is permitted to battle the assaults of the devil, but never to struggle with him. You can win a battle, but never a struggle. Give the word back to the devil and walk in the light of God’s great adventure with your many potential friends.
