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Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Women of Falun




Something There

I'm still trying to learn a little Swedish.

Jag ser något sött
och nästan rart
han som var elak och brutal, så uppenbart
nu är han snäll, ja absolut
jag undrar så var han har gömt det där förut

((I see something sweet and almost kind
He who was so clearly mean and brutal
Now he´s kind, yes absolutely
I wonder where he´s hidden that before))

Hon såg på mig
visst var det så
och fast jag rörde henne stod hon kvar ändå
Jag har nog fel, ja absolut
Men hon har aldrig sett på mig så där förut

((She looked at me
Yes she did
And even though I touched her she didn't leave
I´m probably wrong, yes absolutely
But she´s never looked at me like that before))

Han har fått något att hända
jag har nästan glömt hur han ser ut
Han är väl oförändrad
Ändå finns det något som jag aldrig sett förut

((He´s made something happen
I´ve almost forgotten what he looks like
He hasn't changed
Yet there something there that I've never seen before))

Vem kunde tro
((who could´ve believed))

[Mrs. Potts:]
Vem hade drömt
((Who would´ve dreamt))

Vem visste om
((Who knew))

[Mrs. Potts:]
Vem tänkte så
((Who thought))

Vem hade talat om ett par och menat dom
((Who would´ve spoken of a couple and meant them))

men jag tror säkert vi ska få
ett svar tillslut
Det kanske finns någonting som inte fanns förut
((but Im sure we´ll get an answear in the end
Maybe there´s something that wasnt there before))

Vem vet, det kanske finns någonting som inte fanns förut
((Who knows, there might be something that wasnt there before))


[Mrs. Potts:]
Det kanske finns någonting som inte fanns förut
((There might be something that wasnt there before))

Vad finns där mamma?
((Whats there mommy?))

[Mrs. Potts:]
Jag ska berätta när du blir äldre
((I´ll tell you when you get older))

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sanna, Shirley & Sonja – Kärleksmedley

Du är allt jag nånsin önskat = You are everything I ever wanted
Du är allt jag nånsin drömt = You are everything I ever dreamed
Du är den som får mig minnas = You are the one who gets me remember
Alla drömmar jag har glömt = All the dreams I have forgotten
Och du är den som får mig hoppas = And you're the one who gets me hope
Du är den som får mig le = You are the one who gets me smile
All min kärlek får du bära = All my love, you mean
Hela livet vill jag ge = Whole life, I would give

För du är där när ingen ser mig = For you are there when no one sees me
Du är där när stormen yr = You are there when the storm yr
Du är där när natten skrämmer = You are there when the night scares
Och du är där när dagen gryr = And you are there when the day dawns
Och jag vill alltid ha dig nära = And I always want you near
När som åren läggs till år = When that period is the year
Och vad livet vill oss lära = And what life would teach us
Är att framtiden är vår = Is that the future is ours

Lalala… Lalala ...

När som klockorna har stannat = When the bells have stopped
Och tiden tycks stå still = And time seems to stand still
Och man inte vågar säga = And you do not dare say
Det man längst i hjärtat vill = It is the longest in the heart would
Då ska vi ta varandras händer = Then we take each other's hands
Då ska vi minnas denna dag = Then we will remember this day
Och förstå vad som än händer = And understand what happens
Är det alltid du och jag = Is it always you and me

För du är allt jag nånsin önskat = For you are everything I ever wanted
Du är allt jag nånsin drömt = You are everything I ever dreamed
Du är den som får mig minnas = You are the one who gets me remember
Alla drömmar jag har glömt = All the dreams I have forgotten
Och du är den som får mig hoppas = And you're the one who gets me hope
Du är den som får mig le = You are the one who gets me smile
All min kärlek får du bära = All my love, you mean
All min längtan vill jag ge = All my longings, I would give

Ja, all min kärlek får du bära = Yes, all my love, you mean
Hela livet vill jag ge = Whole life, I would give

Monday, December 28, 2009

Falun 2010

Who's interested in Falun? Only me, I guess. It's easy to spot the famous runner, Susanna Elisabeth Kallur, in this video. I won't say who else.

Swedish Lessons

Saturday, December 26, 2009

More Swedish Lessons

1. Tarzan - Son of man
2. Bells of Notre Dame
3. Mulan - I'll make a man out of you
5. Pocahontas II - Where do I go from here?
6. The Lion King - Be prepared

Swedish Lessons

1. A Whole New World
2. Beauty and the Beast
3. The Lion King
4. We are One
5. Love Will Find a Way
6. Can You Feel The Love Tonight
7. I Just Can't Wait To Be King

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Christmas Carol - In the Bleak Mid-winter

There are versions by Harold Darke, Gustav Holst, etc.
Julie Andrews sings the Holst version.

The real words for the carol can only be those of Christina Rossetti.
There are lots of videos with beautiful graphics and scenery, but i love seeing the orchestra and performers best.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Songs with lyrics at Last

Tomten, jag vill ha en riktig jul
En sån som man har när man är liten
Tomten, jag vill ha en riktig jul
Jag vet att du inte gör mig besviken

Tissel och tassel, pyssel och prassel
Det pirrar i magen bakom stängda dörrar
Goda lukter i hela huset
Åh, och änglaspelet snurrar

Stämsång och fackeltåg som lyser upp mörkret
Bjällerklang och slädfärd under månens ljus
Det är en riktig jul för mig
Åh, och julefrid i alla hus

Tomten, jag vill ha en riktig jul
En sån som man har när man är liten
Tomten, jag vill ha en riktig jul
Väntan man har, va man är nyfiken

Tomten, jag vill ha en riktig jul
En sån som man har när man är liten
Tomten, jag vill ha en riktig jul
Jag vet att du inte gör mig besviken

Snälla tomten jag vill ha
Ett radiostyrt flygplan
Å flipperspel
Å så vill jag ha, ett sånt dä vad heter det nu igen, Donkey Kong
Å så vill jag ha fotbollsspel

Tomten, jag vill ha en riktig jul
En sån som man har när man är liten
Tomten, jag vill ha en riktig jul
Väntan man har, va man är nyfiken

Tomten, jag vill ha en riktig jul
En sån som man har när man är liten
Tomten, jag vill ha en riktig jul
Jag vet att du inte gör mig besviken

Tomten, jag vill ha en riktig jul
En sån som man har när man är liten
Tomten, jag vill ha en riktig jul
Jag vet att du inte gör mig besviken

(Ruben Liljefors / Jeanna Oterdahl)

Fride Lyngstad - 1972
Agnetha Fältskog - 1982

Det strålar en stjärna förunderligt blid,
i öster på himlen hon står.
Hon lyst över världenes oro och strid
i nära två tusende år.
När dagen blir mörk och när snön faller vit,
då skrider hon närmre, då kommer hon hit,
och då vet man, att snart är det jul.

Ty julen är härlig för stora och små,
är glädje och ljuvaste frid,
är klappar och julgran och ringdans också,
är lycka, oändligen blid,
är ljus- allas ögon då stråla som bäst
och stjärnorna tindra som mest
och där ljuset är- där är det jul.


A star is glowing wondrously gentle
In the eastern sky it sits
It has been shining over the unrest and battles of the world
for almost two thousand years
When the days grow darker and the white snow falls
it draws nearer, it`s comes to us
and then one knows that soon Christmas is here

For Christmas is enchanting to grown-ups and children alike
is joy and delightful peace
is presents and Christmas tree and round dance too
is happiness infinitely sweet
is light -- everyone`s eyes are then sparkling most
and the stars are twinkling most
and where the light is -- there it is Christmas

The Other Voice of Face-84

The group Face-84 consists of Emma Karlsson, Josefine Hansson, Sofia and Sara Carlsson. They all come from Varberg, Sverige.

What's in a voice without the eyes to go with it!

For those who aren't familar with the real voice:


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Visual Perception

I used to tell people about how many shades of green there are, but they did seem to believe. Now I just say the human eyes is most sensitive to that portion of the spectrum, hoping that will investigate, but no one does. Each time I leave Mililani and head for the ocean, the world seems to appear so glorious. When I first came to Hawaii in 1981, I thought the effect would wear off when I got used to it, but the effect just becomes more pronounced. I tell others, but no one mentions whether they see it too. The birds love my home, I know they must see the colors, but so many people tell me they are color blind. I feel sad that they do not share my universe. I see girls in bright orange tops, shirts or blouses shining like the sun. One adds a sweater or jacket as blue as the sky. She has a simple black skirt. I wonder if she sees herself as the rising sun. Wait, she has spray painted her world to highlight the colors of her outfit. Now I know she can see. So, my Lord and I are not alone in this universe. Saint Matthew obviously can see: λέγει αὐτοῖς ὁ Ἰησοῦς Οὐδέποτε ἀνέγνωτε ἐν ταῖς γραφαῖς Λίθον ὃν ἀπεδοκίμασαν οἱ οἰκοδομοῦντες οὗτος ἐγενήθη εἰς κεφαλὴν γωνίας• παρὰ κυρίου ἐγένετο αὕτη καὶ ἔστιν θαυμαστὴ ἐν ὀφθαλμοῖς ἡμῶν I leave it in Koine, since no one ever seems to really understand. Try Matthew 25:37-40 and see whether you can see Him in him too. How wonderful the eye!
Απεδοκιμασαν aorist active indicative - third person “they had condemned”
Are we the only ones who see it this way?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reasons for learning Swedish

So few people speak Swedish and the Swedes speak other languages, so there seems very little utilitarian value in learning it. Wanting to learn Swedish just because there is one person in the world you want to speak to in that language sounds too weird, especially when he or she already speaks your language. So, I have decided to make up some other reasons for liking Swedish. See if you find them believable.

Reason 1. Swedish still has the “ig”s on the end of words. My family name is Camery. From the discussions of the Toyota car, I knew what cymry means in Welsh, but I did not know cymraeg. Then, one day, I heard my favorite singer, Katherine Jenkins say, “Come on, Cymraeg” to get people to sing along. After that the “ig” endings on words started to sound sexy and beautiful. I was intrigued as to the “ig” sound on the end actually meant. The “ig” ending makes it mean someone who speaks Welsh. So I decided to do the same tor Swedish. The official name of the country is Konungariket Sverige. So my pet name for someone who speaks Swedish is konstig. That will certainly apply well to me if I ever master it. Don’t get the idea that Katherine is my favorite singer because she is so beautiful, she really sings great!. I am glad I don’t have a crush on her. Can you imagine trying to learn Welsh? I certainly can’t.

Reason 2. Swedish sounds really funny to someone who speaks English. Looking at the words like “God morgon” for “Good Morning” seems normal enough. But then you realize that no one except the most pedantic pronounce the “g”. So, it sounds like, “Good Moron” and I have to smile. It seems like everything is like that in Swedish. So, I feel stupidly happy to try to communicate this way. It is a good thing I don’t try to really communicate with more than one person this way. One is enough to let everyone know how konstig I am.

Reason 3. My Swedish is really bad. I mean, it is so bad that only one person in the world really understands me. So, it is like a secret code. I don’t have to worry about even the NSA figuring out what my messages really mean. All anyone else knows is that they are konstig. For example: Jag vill åka E6 till Barcelona och dricka Pepsi Perfekt med dig och dina vänner. In 2010, no one has enough faith to go anywhere without a detour through an airport. So no one understands, do they?

Reason 4. Swedes are so nice. When they tell me how wonderful it is that I like Sweden so much, I am filled with joy. What they don’t realize is that Sweden is one of the thousand and one nicknames I have for my favorite Swede. So, I also enjoy the other interpretation which they did not really mean.

Reason 5. Swedes love English. Therefore, English speakers should love Swedish. It is only right to return love with love. You probably have to learn a little Swedish to feel like this.

Reason 6. Smiling faces. Liseberg i Göteborg will have 3 million smiling faces in the summer of 2010. Maybe you could smile too if only you knew some Swedish.

Reason 7. Swedes can sing. If you knew a little bit of Swedish, you could be singing along with them.

One can write a thousand more reasons… Om ni tänka på svenska.

Self image improvement.

Say one hundred times:

Jag är bra, konstig, rolig och intressant.

Then I will believe it even if no one else does.

Monday, November 30, 2009

secret dreams for the summer of 2010

Something is missing....
when you surf the internet rather than the real thing.

Something is missing...
when you see a logo and and and cannot see into the heart of its designer.

Something is missing...
when someone you love doesn't already know before you tell them.

Something is missing...
when you don't jump in the air.

Something is missing...
when your friends don't jump, too.

Something will be missing forever,
if you don't fulfill your secret dreams for the summer of 2010.

Just joking, don't do it! Don't do it!

P.S. The last line is just in case the wrong person reads this. Maybe I put in the wrong logo to fool people and maybe I didn't. All, that is certain is that I wish the best to all your guys and gals who jump in the air. So, the one with the guitar needs to put it down and jump too. Alliopa, ett raskt hopp!

Friday, November 27, 2009


Some computer programs have bugs that randomly produce unexpected consequences. Some of these can produce the most wonderful surprises. I don’t know how often they occur and can’t reproduce them, but I’ll always feel blessed by God that I was able to enjoy them. My thanks to whoever is responsible.

One example of this is when I play a clip from “”. Usually, it plays normally, but sometimes it does not stop at the end. For example, when I play “Sweet Kissing in the Moonlight”, it continues on and they sing a song back to the performer, Thorleif, then he carries a basket of handkerchiefs into the audience so they can wipe their tears as they sing the next song. Finally those gigantic daisies pop up. How, could you have a happier miracle than this.

This is not the only clip miracles happen in! It probably won't happen for you, but who knows. Thats why they are called miracles in the first place.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

You want Songs in Dutch?

Sorry the Dutch version was in English in my last post. Here are my favorites.

The best bands for me are the ones that make you want to shout and jump up and down like this one:

Is this song Swedish?

Ära Till Ditt Namn = Glory to Your Name

Då Du ger av Ditt överflöd = When you give of your abundance
Då Din frid kommer över mig = Then your peace come over me
Ära till Ditt namn = Glory to Your Name

Ära till Ditt namn = Glory to Your Name
På de vägar jag ej förstår = On the road I do not understand
Genom öken och ödemark = Through desert and wilderness
Ära till Ditt namn = Glory to Your Name

All välsignelse Du ger mig = All blessings You give me
Tackar jag Dig för = I thank You for
Och när mörkret sakta faller = And when darkness falls slowly
Min röst Du hör = You hear my voice

Ära till Ditt namn Du min Gud = Glory to Your name You my God
Ära till Ditt namn = Glory to Your Name
Ära till Ditt namn Du min Gud = Glory to Your name You my God
Ära till Ditt heliga namn = Glory to Your holy name


Sorry I couldn't find the lyrics in Sinhalese.


Blessed be your name
In the land that is plentiful
Where the streams of abundance flow
Blessed be your name

Blessed be your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed be your name

Every blessing you pour out,
I turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say...
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your glorious name

Blessed be your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's all as it should be
Blessed be your name

Blessed be your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be your name

Every blessing you pour out,
I turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say...
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your glorious name

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, Blessed be your name


I wish I could hear one video from each country!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bear hugs

Every wish you could give a bear hug to say goodbye to all the great people you meet that are leaving Hawaii and going back home. They would probably prefer a real bear hug. Can you send a real bear hug by way of a video. Watch and see!

Goodbye,fåravel, adjö!

Friday, November 20, 2009

The best from Frizon, songs and lyrics


Din nåd är allt jag behöver
Din nåd är allt jag behöver

I Kristi kraft vill jag släppa mitt försvar
lägga ner mitt allt tills det bara är Du kvar
I min svaghet visar Du för mig
att styrkan som jag har kommer från dig

Jag är omfamnad av din nåd
Jag är omfamnad av din nåd

I Din närhet, I Din närhet
I Din närhet ,I Din närhet
Där vill jag va, Där vill jag va Gud
vid Ditt hjärta, i Din närhet varje dag

I Din närhet, I Din närhet
I Din närhet ,I Din närhet
Där förvandlas jag, Där förvandlas jag
Vid Ditt hjärta, I Din närhet, varje dag

I Din närhet, I Din närhet
I Din närhet ,I Din närhet
Där jublar jag, Där jublar jag
Vid Ditt hjärta, I din närhet, varje dag

Där vill jag va, där vill jag va Gud
Vid ditt hjärta, I Din närhet, varje dag

Vi vill se Gud
Glödhet är Guds närhet, Hans härlighet brinner över oss
Han vill låta elden falla ner över dem som ropar och ber
Vi vill se Gud
Vi vill se Gud i detta land
Herre kom nu! Sätt vart hjärta i brand
Ifrån norr till söder, en förväntan som glöder
ifrån väster till öster, hörs ett rop från tusen röster
och man ber
Vi vill se Gud

Jesus jag älskar dig ( 4 x )

Du är den som skapat både himmel och jord
Med din hand du formade mitt liv i min mor
Därför vill jag tacka för vart andetag
Allt det sköna som du gör från dag till dag

Jesus jag älskar dig ( 8 x )

Du är den som skapat både himmel och jord
Med din hand du formade mitt liv i min mor
Därför vill jag tacka för vart andetag
Allt det sköna som du gör från dag till dag

Lovsång - Så Stor är vår gud
Vår konungs majestät klädd i härlighet
må jorden glädja sig, jorden glädja sig
i ljus han sveper sig
och mörkret gömmer sig
och skälver för hans röst
skälver för hans röst

Så stor är vår Gud
sjung med mig
så stor är vår Gud
och alla ska se hur stor Gud är

I evighet han är
och våra liv han bär
i sin starka hand
i sin starka hand

Helig treenighet
fader ande son
stark i ödmjukhet
stark i ödmjukhet

Så stor är vår Gud
sjung med mig
så stor är vår Gud
och alla ska se hur stor Gud är

Hans namn står över allt
värdig allt vårt lov
vi ropar ut
vår Gud han är stor

Du ser igenom. Du ser förbi
Allting jag skapat och försökt bli
Mitt liv är en öppen bok i Din hand
Ändå måste jag komma, ändå måste jag fram
Du väckte min längtan. Du sa mitt namn
Jag blir aldrig densamme och ett är nu sant

Utan Dig blir hösten för alltid kvar
Utan Dig blir frågorna aldrig svar
Utan Dig är livet ett iskallt hav
Utan Dig utan Dig
Du är liv pulserande inom mig
Varje andetag beror på Dig
Du är vårvinden som omger mig
Mitt liv är ingenting utan Dig

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Time travel to Frizon 2007

Not really. The grass was greener then, but I miss the music and jumping in the air.

Älska denna sången! Stående uttryck.

Lyrics | Ted Gardestad lyrics - Jag Vill Ha En Egen Måne lyrics


I really do like brownies!
Not because of that beauty.
Not because my mom made them for me.
Not because I am trying to be nice.
Not because I like you.

I really do like brownies!
Thanks for baking them, everyone who did.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Frizon near Örebro - Mitt hjärtas lovsång

This is not really how I picture Frizone. All the funny things and the loving, happy people, those four girls, the fried chicken, etc. that I've seen in photos are missing, but this is the best I can do since I was not there. I pretty much stopped eating fried chicken after that anyway. These would be my favorite Christian songs if not for the work of my favorite singer. These familiar songs seem the easiest way to learn a little bit of Swedish providing you grew up as a Christian. I thought 2007 was the greatest year, but then the miraculous return of 2009 occurred. Obviously, I am writing about this and the other two music festivals as a souvenir for myself and not so anyone could ever understand. Not even those two girls who were at all three.

Time travel to Borlänge, Sverige 29th June, 2007

Salem al Fakir på Sommarkrysset 2007

This video reminds me of those two girls who went to Sommarkrysset and met Salem al Fakir. Keep your ears open, and you will hear why.

A Heart's Saga

Var skog har nog sin källa
Var äng sin blomma har
Vart hjärta har sin saga
Från flydda ungdomsdar.

Var skog har nog sin källa
Var äng sin blomma har
Vart hjärta har sin saga
Från flydda ungdomsdar.

Och skogens källa sinar
Och ängens blomma dör
Men hjärtats tysta saga
Ej någon tid förstör.

Och skogens källa sinar
Och ängens blomma dör
Men hjärtats tysta saga
Ej någon tid förstör.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Nickname

I have a nickname, but never tell anyone, unless they specifically ask, or they have a nickname that I really like. I answer the phone, “Hello, John Camery speaking”. Some close friends respond with “Hi John Camery!” with delight rather using my nickname as usual. So, if I really like someone’s nickname, I say hi to them in the longest way possible with their middle and last names in hopes they will let me call them by their nickname. They never seem to catch on. I love mathematics, so I like the name, “Math-ew”, with one “t”, but that’s not me. Even my nephew, “Matthew”, has two “T”’s. I can’t say my favorite girls name, since some reading this might have it that as their name or nickname and might mistakenly think I have a crush on them. Also, it does not start with an “M” so it is only obvious to her closest friends. Anyone who can figure any of this out is welcome as my friend on myspace or facebook.

Friday, November 13, 2009

About being liked....

from How to be Liked by John Camery

Since nobody likes me, I thought I would analyze the attributes of the person I like most, in order to see what I need to do in order to be liked.
Here is part of my list of the attributes that make her likable

• She has a blog that is more enjoyable and humorous than Taylor Swift and doesn’t even have any videos on it.

• She somehow reminds people of probably of the most famous singer her country has produced.

• She inspires people to have fun and help others.

• She has a band.

• She has a cute nickname that only her closest friends ever use now.

• Her friends and band are of the best.

And on and on…

I give up! How can anyone be like that?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Surfing Song

"Jag vill ha en egen stor-våg"

Vers 1:
Du har då aldrig trott på tårar
Det passar inte för en karl
Om man är över femton vårar
finns inga känslor kvar
Kan du förstå två våra kinder
Dom torkar lika snabbt igen
Man rår ej för att tårar rinner
När man har mist sin vän

Jag vill ha en egen stor-våg som jag kan åka till
Där jag kan glömma att du lämnat mig
Jag kan sitta på min stor-våg
Och göra vad jag vill
Där stannar jag tills allting ordnat sig

Vers 2:
Du tror du vet hur allt ska vara
Du vet när allting passar sig
Utom när jag ska förklara
hur jag känner mig
Du bryr dig inte om mig mera
Och det har tagit mig så hårt
Du kan väl inte acceptera
Att någonting är svårt

Jag vill ha en egen stor-våg som jag kan åka till
Där jag kan glömma att du lämnat mig
Jag kan sitta på min stor-våg
Och göra vad jag vill
Där stannar jag tills allting ordnat sig

English Translation by GOOGLE:
Du har då aldrig trott på tårar = You have never believed in tears,
det passar inte för en karl = it is not suitable for a man
Om man är över femton vårar = If you are over fifteen complicate
finns inga känslor kvar. = There are no feelings left.

Kan du förstå två våta kinder, = Can you understand two wet cheeks,
de torkar lika snabbt igen = they dry as fast again
Man rår ej för att tårar rinner, = One fault not to tears flow,
när man har mist sin vän. = when one has lost his friend.

Jag vill ha en egen stor-våg, jag kan åka till = I want our own big wave , I can go to
Där jag kan glömma att du lämnat mig = Where I can forget that you left me
Jag kan sitta på min stor-våg och göra vad jag vill = I can sit on my big wave and do what I want
Där stannar jag tills allting ordnat sig. = Where I stay until everything is okay.

Du tror du vet hur allt ska vara, = You think you know how things should be,
du vet när allting passar sig = you know where everything fits itself
Utom när jag ska förklara, = Except when I'm going to explain,
hur jag känner mig. = how I feel.

Du bryr dig inte om mig mera, = You do not care about me more,
och det har tagit mig så hårt = and it has taken me so hard
Du kan väl aldrig acceptera, = You can never accept,
att någonting är svårt. = that something is difficult.

Jag vill ha en egen stor-våg, som jag kan åka till = I want our own big wave, which I can go to
Där jag kan glömma att du lämnat mig = Where I can forget that you left me
Jag kan sitta på min stor-våg och göra vad jag vill = I can sit on my big wav and do what I want
Där stannar jag tills allting ordnat sig. = Where I stay until everything is okay.

Jag vill ha en egen stor-våg, jag kan åka till = I want our own big wave, I can go to
Där jag kan glömma att du lämnat mig = Where I can forget that you left me
Jag kan sitta på min stor-våg och göra vad jag vill = I can sit on my big wave and do what I want
Där stannar jag till allting ordnat sig. = I stopped everything to be okay.

Swedish Dictioary

Click to access an online Swedish dictionary.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Facts about Coffee

Coffee has negligible nutritional value. Coffee contains caffeine. Consuming more than 200 mg of caffeine doubles the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women. Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, but the body adapts by creating more receptors unless a fatal dose is consumed. Caffeine lowers glucose levels impairing judgment. Caffeine stimulates insulin production and raises cortisol levels.

Coffee also contains kahweo palmitate and cafestol palmitate. These compounds raise glutathione levels in the liver, esp. the former. The latter is responsible raising cholesterol levels.

Thus in healthy people, coffee should probably only be consumed immediately before strenuous exercise, unless one is desperately trying to stay awake. Raising glutathione levels in the liver is helpful to those with chronic liver disease or those at risk.

Most everything published about coffee is biased opinion and not factual. Civilized people drink tea not coffee. In places where people live longer, they do not drink coffee.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Advanced Oral Hygiene

Advanced Oral Hygiene Lozenges taste really good and may reduce circulating cytokine levels, so they claim. They are a tasty treat and Halloween approaches.

A most beautiful song!

Monday, October 19, 2009

My Surfing Song

Wondering whether changing måne to brottsjö or bölja makes "Jag vill ha en egen måne" a surfing song.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


It beats me how some people can fail to be happy that summertime is here.

Lotta på Liseberg

My latest improvement for my nutrition is to watch Lotta på Liseberg once a day. It makes me feel almost as good as drinking a Herbalife shake.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Cool People in Hawaii

There are lots of cool people in Hawaii, but the Surfing the Nations (STN) group and the Team in Training (TNT) guys and gals top my list. The STN group has cool black tee shirts and the TNT has cool purple jerseys. I couldn't find a picture of those, but they are pretty cool in whatever color the choose to wear.

Click here for Team in Training info.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Light a Candle

Amy Diamond also sings this song. Per Gessle has a different song with the same title. I like hardly any of the performances of this song, but still it is one of my favorites, along with the following teary eyed song by Ted Gärdestad.
I want my own moon (that I can travel to)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fem myror är fler än fyra elefanter.

No use trying to make sense of this entry. It is just things that make me feel good.

Baklängesmarschen: Walking backwards although nobody knows why I do it.

Smiling at people on the other side of the planet.

Attacking the Honolulu Marathon course, esp., the finish all by myself.

An apple and a chocolate shake after a long run.

Liking people I don't know, just as much as, the ones I do.

Saying "terima kasih" and "sama-sama" even though people don't understand.

Searching for that special song. The last one on the demo.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Marie Serneholt is on SVT

Marie Serneholt is on Swedish and Portugese TV. She is beautiful, talanted and intelligent, but it is often difficult to tell that from her albums and videos.

Molly Sandén & Ola Svensson

Click here for Brothers on TV4

Talang 2009

I occasionaly watch Talang 2009 on TV4. The URL of TV4 is The clip I really like is Rebecka Karlsson.

Fun Signing

I don't know how people can stand all the boring videos about sign language. Signing should be fun or why do it. Here are the fun ones:

An adorable baby...

Adorable kids (trying to ignore the ice cream truck)

Schlager signing...

One for the old folks...

Here is the slow motion version for those who forgot to take their vitamins and can no longer keep up with the kids.

Let's not forget to have a go at Russian signing.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

FDA Outlaws Food

It is thought that treatment with benfotiamine leads to increased intracellular thiamine diphosphate levels, a cofactor of transketolase. This enzyme directs advanced glycation and lipoxidation end products (AGE's, ALE's) substrates to the pentose phosphate pathway, thus reducing tissue AGEs. In humans, pyridoxamine protects against methylglyoxal. However, in the United States, the FDA ruled in January 2009 that pyridoxamine must be regulated as a pharmaceutical drug because it is the active ingredient in Pyridorin, a drug designed to prevent the progression of diabetic nephropathy.

In response to a citizen petition filed on behalf of a pharmaceutical company, FDA has determined that products containing pyridoxamine (a form of vitamin B6) are not dietary supplements within the meaning of FDC Act § 201(ff) and “may not be marketed as such.” Although pyridoxamine is a dietary ingredient within the meaning of § 201(ff)(1), FDA determined that pyridoxamine is excluded under § 201(ff)(3) because: (1) pyridoxamine is authorized for investigation as a new drug for which substantial clinical investigations have been conducted and their existence made public; and (2) there is no “independent, verifiable evidence” of prior marketing of pyridoxamine as a food or dietary supplement. Among the conclusions reached by FDA:
• an “article authorized for investigation as a new drug” includes not only the active ingredient (i.e., pyridoxamine hydrochloride), but also the active moiety (i.e., pyridoxamine);
• consistent with the position taken by FDA in Pharmanex v. Shalala, 2001 WL 741419, the “mere presence” of a substance in the food supply, even at high levels in foods, does not alone constitute marketing within the meaning of § 201(ff)(3)(B);
• affidavits, without more, are insufficient to support a claim of prior marketing.

I don't know about yours, but my vitamin supply of pyridoxamine will run out in another 3 months. If that is the way the FDA feels about things, it seems like they should all become vegetarians to eliminate pyridoxamine from their diet and be within the spirit of their ruling. Maybe I should have put a list of all the supplements and food I consume so the FDA would know that food is normal food and not drugs. Lawyers are so silly!