Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Cold Fusion Catalysts
Link to cold fusion files
How do you search for potentiators of ordered states in hydrogen using Google Scholar? Rydberg states of hydrogen definitely and maybe Benzene rings are all I have come up with so far. Perhaps the recipe for cold fusion is just to move Rydberg particles of hydrogen suspended on a benzene ring into and out of magnetic, enriched nickel nanotubes within a certain range of temperatures and pressures. Ettore would probably have the solution to some Majorana version of Dirac's equation that explains it all.
Saving Lives
Saving Industries
Politicians think it is funny that we have a country where "art history and political science majors will work out O.K." and have the right to enslave the rest of the population with their corrupt government.
The joke is at time, 1 hour 4 minutes, into the video.
Saving Lives
Saving Industries
Politicians think it is funny that we have a country where "art history and political science majors will work out O.K." and have the right to enslave the rest of the population with their corrupt government.
The joke is at time, 1 hour 4 minutes, into the video.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Near Field Coupling versus the Casimir Force
Paper on The Casimir effect in microstructured geometries
Paper on Frequency-Selective Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer between Photonic Crystal Slabs: A Computational Approach for Arbitrary Geometries and Materials
On the nano scale, people seem to confuse near field coupling with the Casimir Force. These papers may help end the confusion.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Phase Transitions in Hydrogen
I found this diagram for hydrogen phase transitions:
I wonder whether the metallic phase transition of hydrogen might be take place when Rydberg, monotonic hydrogen is forced into a 75 Tesla ferromagnetic nickel nanotube and heated a la cold fusion.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Majorana particles
The recent data released by OPERA experiment confirm the superluminal propagation of muonic neutrinos in the Earth’s crust with overall significance of 6.2σ
Particles contacting certain phase boundaries generate Majorana particles which transport the energy through the medium. The boundary between a room temperature superconductor and a topological insulator might be such an instance. The Majorana equation has solutions with imaginary values for the mass indicating superluminal propagation. The energy of the particles is not only proportional to the intrinsic mass time the square of the speed of light, but inversely proportional to the intrinsic spin plus 1/2.
It is known that massive particles that are their own antiparticles, i.e., Majorana particles, can possess only one specific type of multipolar moments---the so-called toroidal moments (anapole moment and multipoles of that). Unlike the familiar charge and magnetic moments, these moments do not directly interact with the (external) static electromagnetic fields but only with the external current, and hence lead to contact interactions. On the other hand, massless Majorana particles, with the exception of those with spin 1/2, do not have any electromagnetic form factor. It is also found that regardless of the spin of the Majorana particle the differential cross section for the production of a Majorana pair by a spin-1 particle at a high-energy electron-positron machine has a unique angular distribution.
Experimental results:
(1) The OPERA result on the order of magnitude of the effective muon-neutrino velocity:
[v μ(10 GeV) − c ]/c ∼ 0.00001.
(2) The supernova SN1987a bound on the effective electron-antineutrino velocity:
v e(10 MeV) − c |/c < ∼ 0.000000001.
(3) The absence of catastrophic energy losses from the vacuum-Cherenkov-type process
μ → μ+Z0 → μ+e−+e+ for the CERN–GranSasso (CNGS) neutrinos, in particular.
(4) The existence of mass-difference neutrino oscillations, which requires nearly equal maximum velocity of the three known flavors
f = (e, μ, tau ) of neutrinos.
(5) The negligible leakage of Lorentz violation in the neutrino sector to the charged-lepton
sector by quantum effects, e.g., loop corrections to the electron propagator.Friday, November 18, 2011
Practice Makes Perfect
Swedish Lysics (the English ones are in the 2008 sing-along version)
Du känner dig som Steve McQueen
när du kör din gamla bil
Och du tror du är lika oåtkomlig som James Dean
I din dröm, är du smart som Columbo och Bogart
Men den enda glimt jag fick av dig
Var en scen på min TV-apparat
Moviestar oh moviestar
Du tror du är en stjärna
Moviestar oh moviestar
Som om du var en moviestar
Du ville va' i ett jetset
Flyga runt i en jumbojet
Så du jobbar ett tag på kontor varje dag
för att få en biljett och ge dig av
Och du for nu till Holloywood,
sökte en framtida karriär
men den fanns inte där
Det är nog dags för dig min vän att
sluta leva som om du var en
Moviestar oh moviestar
Du tror du är en stjärna
Moviestar oh moviestar
Som om du va' en Moviestar
Frusna drömmar,
om hjältar på film som rider bort,
i dimman
utan att förstå, säg vart ska du gå?
Moviestar oh moviestar
Du tror du är en stjärna
Moviestar oh moviestar
Som om du var en stjärna
1975 Practice 1976 Performance Live from "Allsang på Grensen" 10.July - 2008 2011 Performance
Best Version (Of course, nobody listens to it!) Anni-Frid Lyngstad och Lena Ericsson körar.
Swedish Lysics (the English ones are in the 2008 sing-along version)
Du känner dig som Steve McQueen
när du kör din gamla bil
Och du tror du är lika oåtkomlig som James Dean
I din dröm, är du smart som Columbo och Bogart
Men den enda glimt jag fick av dig
Var en scen på min TV-apparat
Moviestar oh moviestar
Du tror du är en stjärna
Moviestar oh moviestar
Som om du var en moviestar
Du ville va' i ett jetset
Flyga runt i en jumbojet
Så du jobbar ett tag på kontor varje dag
för att få en biljett och ge dig av
Och du for nu till Holloywood,
sökte en framtida karriär
men den fanns inte där
Det är nog dags för dig min vän att
sluta leva som om du var en
Moviestar oh moviestar
Du tror du är en stjärna
Moviestar oh moviestar
Som om du va' en Moviestar
Frusna drömmar,
om hjältar på film som rider bort,
i dimman
utan att förstå, säg vart ska du gå?
Moviestar oh moviestar
Du tror du är en stjärna
Moviestar oh moviestar
Som om du var en stjärna
1975 Practice 1976 Performance Live from "Allsang på Grensen" 10.July - 2008 2011 Performance
Monday, November 14, 2011
Rossi's Process
Rossi's comments sounds to me like he is sintering the nickel powder, but others have entirely different interpretations.
“although one might first think “the finer the better” because the finer
the powder the more surface area per volume you get, this is not the case.
Because in order to reach useful reaction rates with hydrogen, the powder
needs to processed in a way that leads to amplified tubercles on the
surface of his nano-powder.
The tubercles are essential in order for the reaction rate to reach levels
high enough for the implied total power output per volume or mass to reach
orders of magnitude kW/kg – this level of power density is required for any
useful application of the process.
Rossi tells that he worked every waking hour for six months straight,
trying dozens of combinations to find the optimal powder size for the
Energy Catalyzer, or E-Cat. He further stresses that specific data about
the final optimal grain size cannot be revealed, but can tell us that the
most efficient grain size is more in the micrometer range rather than the
nanometer range.”
“although one might first think “the finer the better” because the finer
the powder the more surface area per volume you get, this is not the case.
Because in order to reach useful reaction rates with hydrogen, the powder
needs to processed in a way that leads to amplified tubercles on the
surface of his nano-powder.
The tubercles are essential in order for the reaction rate to reach levels
high enough for the implied total power output per volume or mass to reach
orders of magnitude kW/kg – this level of power density is required for any
useful application of the process.
Rossi tells that he worked every waking hour for six months straight,
trying dozens of combinations to find the optimal powder size for the
Energy Catalyzer, or E-Cat. He further stresses that specific data about
the final optimal grain size cannot be revealed, but can tell us that the
most efficient grain size is more in the micrometer range rather than the
nanometer range.”
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Judicial Swedish Lesson
Just trying to learn some Swedish. Googles translation seemed faulty, so I am trying my own. Feel free to comment if you know what it really means.
Lagföring, innebär att åklagare vid domstol åtalar för brott, som faller under allmänt åtal. Åtalet ska vara precist presenterat för domstolen och formulerat så att det klart framgår vilket eller vilka brott mot vilken lag som begåtts, hur omfattande brottet är, vilken bevisning åklagaren har för att kunna leda i visa rätten att anklagelserna om brottet ifråga stämmer, samt vilka anspråk, enligt åklagaren, lagen har i påföljdsdelen och vad åklagaren kräver för påföljd i det enskilda fallet.
Europeisk arresteringsorder är enligt lagen (2003:1156) om överlämnande från Sverige enligt en europeisk arresteringsorder ett rättsligt avgörande, utfärdat av en rättslig myndighet i en medlemsstat i EU, som innebär en begäran om att en rättslig myndighet i en annan sådan stat ska gripa och överlämna en eftersökt person för lagföring eller för verkställighet av en frihetsberövande påföljd.
Även svensk medborgare kan i vissa fall överlämnas.
Ett krav är att det föreligger dubbel straffbarhet, dvs att gärningen är belagd med straff även i Sverige.
I vissa fall kan överlämnande ändå ske enligt 2 kap 2 § 2 st nämligen om brottet finns med på s.k. listan och att gärningen kan medföra fängelse i tre år eller mer enligt den utfärdande medlemsstatens lagstiftning.
Tingsrätten beslutar efter framställning av åklagaren i frågan om överlämnande. Handläggningen ska ske skyndsamt och beslut ska meddelas senast efter trettio dagar, om samtycke föreligger tio dagar.
My translation:
European arrest warrant under the Act (2003:1156) on surrender from Sweden according to a European arrest warrant, a judicial decision issued by a judicial authority in an EU Member State, which means a request for a judicial authority in another such State shall arrest and surrender a requested person for prosecution or for the purpose of executing a custodial sentence.
Although a Swedish citizen in some cases submitted.
One requirement is that there is dual criminality, i.e., that the act is punishable in Sweden.
In some cases, the transmission still be in accordance with Chapter 2 § 22 namely, if the offense is on the prescribed list and that the act can result in imprisonment of three years or more under the issuing Member State.
The district court decides at the request of the prosecutor on the issue of surrender. The treatment must be made promptly and a decision must be notified no later than after thirty days if the agreement is ten days.
Lagföring, innebär att åklagare vid domstol åtalar för brott, som faller under allmänt åtal. Åtalet ska vara precist presenterat för domstolen och formulerat så att det klart framgår vilket eller vilka brott mot vilken lag som begåtts, hur omfattande brottet är, vilken bevisning åklagaren har för att kunna leda i visa rätten att anklagelserna om brottet ifråga stämmer, samt vilka anspråk, enligt åklagaren, lagen har i påföljdsdelen och vad åklagaren kräver för påföljd i det enskilda fallet.
My translation:
Lagföring means to be an accused in a court of law charged with crimes, which fall under the purview of public prosecution. The indictment must be accurately presented to the court and formulated to clearly frame the act or the violation of the law alleged to have occurred, the extent of the crime, what evidence the prosecutor has to attesting to show that the allegations of the crime in question are true, and what, according to the prosecutor, are the penalties in the law and what sentence the prosecutor pursues in of the case.
Europeisk arresteringsorder är enligt lagen (2003:1156) om överlämnande från Sverige enligt en europeisk arresteringsorder ett rättsligt avgörande, utfärdat av en rättslig myndighet i en medlemsstat i EU, som innebär en begäran om att en rättslig myndighet i en annan sådan stat ska gripa och överlämna en eftersökt person för lagföring eller för verkställighet av en frihetsberövande påföljd.
Även svensk medborgare kan i vissa fall överlämnas.
Ett krav är att det föreligger dubbel straffbarhet, dvs att gärningen är belagd med straff även i Sverige.
I vissa fall kan överlämnande ändå ske enligt 2 kap 2 § 2 st nämligen om brottet finns med på s.k. listan och att gärningen kan medföra fängelse i tre år eller mer enligt den utfärdande medlemsstatens lagstiftning.
Tingsrätten beslutar efter framställning av åklagaren i frågan om överlämnande. Handläggningen ska ske skyndsamt och beslut ska meddelas senast efter trettio dagar, om samtycke föreligger tio dagar.
My translation:
European arrest warrant under the Act (2003:1156) on surrender from Sweden according to a European arrest warrant, a judicial decision issued by a judicial authority in an EU Member State, which means a request for a judicial authority in another such State shall arrest and surrender a requested person for prosecution or for the purpose of executing a custodial sentence.
Although a Swedish citizen in some cases submitted.
One requirement is that there is dual criminality, i.e., that the act is punishable in Sweden.
In some cases, the transmission still be in accordance with Chapter 2 § 22 namely, if the offense is on the prescribed list and that the act can result in imprisonment of three years or more under the issuing Member State.
The district court decides at the request of the prosecutor on the issue of surrender. The treatment must be made promptly and a decision must be notified no later than after thirty days if the agreement is ten days.
Rossi's E-CAT
Hydrogen is pumped into chamber which contains a catalyst mixed with nickel
nanoparticles. It has been suggested that among other things the catalyst might convert the diatomic hydrogen to monatomic. Due to a multi-body effect,
electrons tend to migrate from the D orbitals in the nickel to the monatomic hydrogen removing the magnetic field and restoring time reversal symmetry, 62Ni(2+) and 64Ni(2+).
Electrostatic attraction pulls the monatomic hydrogen ions into the tubercles in the surface of the nickel
nanoparticles enriched with isotopes 62 and 64. When enough accumulate and a
resistive heating element increases the temperature and pressure, a phase
change occurs that is signaled by a burst of gamma rays between 50 and 200 KEVS
which can last up to 20 minutes. The reaction starts at 60-70 degrees Centigrade. The
movement of the ions induces a virtual particle current in the proton
conductor. What kind of virtual particles, Ettore? An antibonding surface sp band develops below the Fermi level in the
nickel. This facilitates the emission of
electrons from lower orbitals in the nickel. Thus, effective hydrogen fusion
begins. This is by either h+h yielding he-3 or heavy nickel ion plus proton yielding copper
plus alpha. Furthermore, he-3 plus he-3 can
yield he-4 along with double proton emission.
Likewise iron could yield double proton emission. A string of
transmutations are triggered involving Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, F, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl,
K, Ca, Mn, and Cr isotopes. Electrons, protons and near infrared radiation are
released along with another burst of gammas when the reaction stops and the
reverse phase change occurs.
These are my interpretations. You might try the following book for a physicist's interpretation:
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Light Hydrogen Cold Fusion
Reports on cold fusion using ordinary light hydrogen indicate:
1. A short duration burst of gamma ray is produced when the reaction commences and when it ends.
2. When the reaction is proceeding, the bremsstrahlung is in the near infrared providing useful heat.
3. Helium-3 is produced, as is detected by firing a laser at a sample to free it.
4. Protons are emitted, as detected by tracks in a cloud chamber.
5. Positrons are not emitted, as indicated by the lack of radiation that would be produced from their annihilation.
6. The proton conductor used must be more than 3 nanometers in size. The size of particles used is said to be approximately 10 nanometers.
7. The length of time required for the reaction to turn on increases with rapidly with the length of the proton conductor.
8. A wide spectrum of other transmutations occur, but mostly iron, copper and a little tin.
9. In nickel experiments, special tubules, i.e., defects in the lattice, are manufactured to facilitate the reaction.
10. The nickel used is enriched with more of the heavier isotopes.
11. Pulses are applied to stimulate the process in self-sustaining mode. In non self-sustaining mode, application of current through a resistive element is used to sustain and control the process.
12. Many catalysts have been tried in attempts to facilitate the process. Raney nickel to produce monatomic hydrogen by Dark Light. Alloys of copper, nickel and zirconium have been used by Ames National Laboratory.
13. Boron is said used technical reasons not related to enhancing the reaction.
There are 500 theories about why it works and 500 why it does not. That is probably about the same as for room temperature superconductors. I hope it does not go the way of Texas Instruments Digital Micro-mirror Device from the year 1987. I am still waiting for a laser version that is reliable and costs less than $5999.
1. A short duration burst of gamma ray is produced when the reaction commences and when it ends.
2. When the reaction is proceeding, the bremsstrahlung is in the near infrared providing useful heat.
3. Helium-3 is produced, as is detected by firing a laser at a sample to free it.
4. Protons are emitted, as detected by tracks in a cloud chamber.
5. Positrons are not emitted, as indicated by the lack of radiation that would be produced from their annihilation.
6. The proton conductor used must be more than 3 nanometers in size. The size of particles used is said to be approximately 10 nanometers.
7. The length of time required for the reaction to turn on increases with rapidly with the length of the proton conductor.
8. A wide spectrum of other transmutations occur, but mostly iron, copper and a little tin.
9. In nickel experiments, special tubules, i.e., defects in the lattice, are manufactured to facilitate the reaction.
10. The nickel used is enriched with more of the heavier isotopes.
11. Pulses are applied to stimulate the process in self-sustaining mode. In non self-sustaining mode, application of current through a resistive element is used to sustain and control the process.
12. Many catalysts have been tried in attempts to facilitate the process. Raney nickel to produce monatomic hydrogen by Dark Light. Alloys of copper, nickel and zirconium have been used by Ames National Laboratory.
13. Boron is said used technical reasons not related to enhancing the reaction.
There are 500 theories about why it works and 500 why it does not. That is probably about the same as for room temperature superconductors. I hope it does not go the way of Texas Instruments Digital Micro-mirror Device from the year 1987. I am still waiting for a laser version that is reliable and costs less than $5999.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Helium-3 in Hydrogen LENR Experiments
I watched these videos a while ago. Somewhere in one of them there is remark about Helium-3. Someone believes that helium-3 in light water experiments performs a role similar to helium-4 in heavy water and related gaseous phase LENR experiments. Recall the 1996 Nobel prize. It is hypothesized that Majorana virtual particles can be created by marrying a high temperature superconductor with a topological insulator.
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