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Friday, February 17, 2012

Papers on Condensed Matter Physics Pertaining to Cold Fusion

Separating the junk from the interesting is not easy when you know so little physics. These are ones I find intriguing:

Cold Fusion Nuclear Reactions

A primer for electroweak induced low-energy nuclear reactions

Frozen Rigging Model of the Energy Dominated Universe

Experimental Evidence of a Neutron Flux Generation in a Plasma Discharge Electrolytic Cell

Water Plasma Modes and Nuclear Transmutations on the Metallic Cathode of a Plasma Discharge Electrolytic Cell

I wonder if the people at  CERN will read these in preparation for their conference on the 22nd.  I keep feeling that the world is backward. That pseudomagnetism is real and magnetism is just an aspect of the electroweak. Likewise, that electronic crystals, i.e., electrons circulating on 2-branes, are more real than "real" crystals. Why does my multimeter measure voltage and current instead of spin and valleys? I must be in the wrong century.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Jokes for Today

  • There is a mysterious attractive force throughout the universe. It is called pseudomagnetism. On the other hand, when looked at as transverse spin polarization of the physical vacuum, it would seem to violate the usual interpretations of QED and QCD. My multimeter cannot measure spin and valley values, so science is safe I guess. Certain materials such as aluminum can provide a degree of shielding from spin-spin interactions and produce experimental results in accord with those expected from QED and QCD. Scientist will eventual learn to shield their experiments from unwanted interactions and scientific discovery can truly come to an end.

  • There is also a mysterious repulsive force throughout the universe. It is called diamagnetism, but it is supposedly only used to levitate frogs.

  • There is a mystery within the Star of David. It is called the chirality. It is there for all to see, but no one does. It is not a crystalline structure, but an “electronic” crystalline structure. In one layer graphene the charge carriers slow down to c/300. Adding successive layers in which like triangular lattices are aligned slows down charge carriers progressively with each successive layer until the obvious occurs, but don’t tell anyone.

  • The mass/energy equivalence being inversely proportional to the spin is really annoying when one does not believe in the transverse spin polarization of the physical vacuum and spin-spin interactions. So, don’t take the solutions to Majorana’s equation too seriously.

  • Sweden generates 45% of their electricity from hydroelectric, 40% from nuclear, 20% from biofuels grown in Sweden, 2% from wind power, etc. They are probably the only country with a plan to mass produce electric vehicles. They are the only country without a lobby trying to block new energy technology like Rossi’s E-Cat. That makes them the only environmentally conscience people on the planet. Yet, Canada’s so-called environmentalists are blocking the transport of the massive steam turbines that the Swedes purchased from Canada. The conclusion is clear. The entire population of Sweden must have been replaced by some sort of aliens from outer space bent on single handedly showing us how to save the planet.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

2-Dim Helium Honeycombs Lattices

One might have thought that only carbon with it's stable sp2 bonds is the only way to get a honeycomb lattice.  Observations dating back to 1934 show otherwise.  Helium is more like carbon than people generally believe. Aren't self organizing crystals wonderful?  I save this abstract to remind myself to buy the article if I am ever rich enough. One pays taxes all ones life, but cannot even read the fruit of the research one is paying for.


Phys. Rev. Lett. 42, 795–798 (1979)

Evidence for a Liquid-to-Crystal Phase Transition in a Classical, Two-Dimensional Sheet of Electrons

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C. C. Grimes and G. Adams 
Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974
Received 17 January 1979; published in the issue dated 19 March 1979
Experimental evidence is presented for an electron-liquid to electron-crystal phase transition in a sheet of electrons on a liquid-He surface. The phase transition has been studied for electron areal densities from 3×108 cm-2 to 9×108cm-2 and has yielded melting temperatures between 0.35 and 0.65 K. The phase transition occurs at Γ=137±15, where Γ is a measure of the ratio of potential energy to kinetic energy per electron.
© 1979 The American Physical Society